About Us

Who We Are

The Oakville Municipal Development Corporation (OakvilleMDC) was incorporated on January 1, 2018 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Town of Oakville. The OakvilleMDC was created to advance community renewal initiatives through the marketing and development of the town’s surplus land holdings and the strategic acquisition of properties ready for redevelopment. The goal of the OakvilleMDC is to undertake development initiatives to unlock the value of the town’s under-utilized, surplus real estate holdings and to maximize the financial return that these lands can generate. The OakvilleMDC works to assist the town in achieving its objectives for urban planning, infrastructure and placemaking, with a view to enhancing both the economic competitiveness and community well-being of Oakville and continuing to make Oakville the Best Place to Live in Canada.

To learn more, visit the Benefits of a Municipal Development Corporation page.

What We Do

The mandate of the OakvilleMDC is to manage land and infrastructure investments to optimize financial returns and deliver long-term social, environmental and community benefits to the citizens of Oakville. The OakvilleMDC sets the direction on how and when town lands develop and works to ensure that the town’s vision for the development of its lands is realized.    

The OakvilleMDC plays the role of “Master Developer” on behalf of the town, undertaking planning and development activities that allow the town’s surplus land holdings to be developed over time, as the market dictates. The Master Developer approach ensures that lands are developed in accordance with Town Council’s vision by allowing greater control over the use and design of each development and the achievement of defined community objectives.

The OakvilleMDC will direct the timing and sequence of development and will determine the staging and coordination of infrastructure delivery for lands identified by the town for development or redevelopment. The OakvilleMDC will also be responsible for managing the Planning Act applications to the town to permit development to occur. To maximize the value of the Town’s landholdings and to ensure a predictable, long-term revenue stream to the town, the OakvilleMDC will consider all forms of commercial relationships with developers, builders and other agencies.  These include partnerships, joint ventures, equity and landlord opportunities.

The OakvilleMDC will lead all aspects of development including the securing of the necessary planning and other municipal/agency approvals, negotiations with developers and ongoing oversight of the on-the-ground delivery of the development on site. Through the creation and management of innovative, community focused development projects, the OakvilleMDC will seek to strengthen partnerships with private sector developers and the community’s stakeholders, neighbours and other levels of government.